[본문의 동영상 강의 연우리 영어 유튜브] → https://youtu.be/FRzPF0jgK1M
# This gem of (A)[ ] book is both well balanced and extremely comprehensive. It recognizes the benefits of the free market in making our lives better and shows why centrally controlled economics ultimately fail to increase the living standards of their citizens.
# '이 보석 같은 책'의 뜻이 되도록 빈칸 (A)에 한 단어를 넣으시오.
[해석] 이 보석 같은 책은 균형이 잘 잡혔으며 동시에 아주 종합적입니다. 이 책은 우리의 삶은 더 낫게 만드는 자유 시장의 혜택들을 알아차리고 왜 중앙 통제적인 경제가 결국 시민들의 생활 수준을 증가시키지 못하는 이유를 보여줍니다.
[정답] (A) : a
This gem of (A)[a] book is both well balanced and extremely comprehensive.
'~ 보통 명사 of a N' 동격의 표현이다.
[동격과 관사]
(1) 비제한 동격
(2) 제한 동격
(3) of 동격
지금은 (3) 'of 동격'에 대해서만 다루기로 한다.
[of 동격]
1) the N of 고유명사
Rome is a city.
~ the city (that I mean) is Rome
~ the city of Rome [*로마의 그 시 /로마라는 시 → 로마시]
'of'가 '~라는'의 뜻으로 쓰일 때 이를 '동격 표시 전치사 of'라 한다. 그리고 'of Rome'이 여기서는 동격부에 해당된다.
The city of Biloxi received its name from a Sioux word meaning "first people".
On the coast of Maine is the small town of Pirates Cove, which is similar to the old New England seaports depicted in paintings hanging in country inns or seafood restaurants.
Its tremendous output of dairy products has earned the state of Wisconsin the title of America's Dairyland.
Despite the growth of manufacturing and other industries, the economy of the state of Texas has remained heavily dependent on oil and gas.
2) ~ 보통 명사 of a N
an angel of a girl : [This girl is an angel.] : 천사 같은 여자 = an angelic girl
an angel of *the girl
앞 부분이 마치 형용사처럼 쓰이는 동격으로 앞 부분이 동격부에 해당된다. 이때 ★피동격부 앞에는 항상 ★부정관사가 와야 한다. 감정적인 색채가 강한 표현으로 구어체에서 사용된다.
this jewel of an island = this jewel-like island
피동격부를 '~like[~같은]'으로 바꿀 수 있는 경우도 있다. 앞에는 부정관사 외에도 'this / that / the / 소유격'이 올 수도 있다.
Spend a glorious day on this jewel of an island and be home for dinner.
The fool of a conductor forgot to put me down at the end of the road. (= the foolish conductor)
At 35, this wisp of a woman has 13 children, from 20 years down to 10 months.
This wisp of a kid has a transplanted liver that could fail at any time.
a little mothy wisp of a man : 나방처럼 가냘픈 사람
this crescent-shaped jewel of a South Sea Island : 초승달 모양의 보석 같은 이 ~섬
In addition to his parents, Mario was preceded in death by his angel of a wife, Elena "Helen" (Sildra) Grippa in 2011.
He was an angel of a child.
My first pregnancy was also a very easy one, even the delivery wasn't hard at all and what I was blessed with is an angel of a child.
She was an angel of a wife.
The war made him leave an angel of a wife for good.
She will always be remembered as an angel of a wife and mother.
He is a beast of a husband.
I am so sorry you are having to fight this battle with such a beast of a husband.
He is a brute of a husband. (냉혹한 남편)
She ran away from a brute of a husband who was in the habit of beating her.
How can such an angel of a wife live with such a brute of a husband!
I walked up to the door and a big, handsome brute of a man answered. Yum. I smiled at him and he kind of backed away.
The boat was smashed by a mountain of a wave and thrown high in the air.
Is that idiot of a salesman calling again? (= that idiotic salesman)
If I have to put up with that idiot of a boss much longer, I’ll be sending him on a one way trip to somewhere so far off the beaten track, he’ll have to have tweezers and a witch-doctor to find his way back!
It was hard to get some information from an oyster of a man. (과묵한 사람)
There were a devil of a wife and a saint of a husband in the house.
I got married and we bought a castle of a house
If you live in a suburbs somewhere in the US, have money, private guards and a palace of a house and so on - then you don't have any worries.
First, Charleston is an absolute jewel of a town.
This happened long ago when I was only a slip of a girl, living on the edge of the Sperrins. (가녀린 여자애)
His target was merely a slip of a boy, maybe in his middle teen years at the most.
I saw Mike Pelfry throwing a whale of a ball game. (엄청난, 굉장한)
I think we are going to have a doozy of a recession. (아주 이상한 불경기)
Rumsfeld's claim turned out to be a whopper of a lie, according to my friend Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst. (엄청난 거짓말)
You're being fed a whopper, and I mean a whopper of a lie.
Howard Dean was a joke of a candidate. (아주 웃기는)
To me, this is sort of a joke of a motorbike.
Well, you did have Jimmy Carter (what a joke of a President) and Bill Clinton.
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