문법2023. 5. 17. 21:31

[본문의 동영상 강의 연우리 영어 유튜브] → https://youtu.be/0RplN7YG6A0


#1. He was (A)[so] annoyed (B)[at not getting his own] way, that (C)[in an answer to] any alternative proposal he just shrugged his shoulder (D)[as though to disclaim] any further interest or responsibility in the matter.

#2. "That was Mr. Davis on the telephone to say he couldn't attend the meeting tonight."

"As (E)[        ] anybody cared!"

#1. (A), (B), (C), (D) 중에서 문법적으로 잘못된 것은?

#2. 빈칸 (E)에 들어갈 단어는?

[#1. 해석] 그는 자기 마음대로 못 하는 것이 짜증이 났고 어떤 다른 제안에 대답해서 문제에 관해서 어떤 추가적인 관심이나 책임을 지지 않겠다는 듯이 어깨를 으쓱했다.

[#2. 해석] "전화로 회의에 오늘 밤 못 온다고 한 건 데이비스 씨야."

"마치 누가 신경이라도 쓴다는 듯이 그랬구먼."

[정답] 1. (C) [in an answer to] → [in answer to] 2. (E) : if


[as if / though 비정형절 (분사 또는 부정사)]

She studied the bracelet as if trying to estimate its fair market value.

= ~ as she would do if she were trying ~

All of them stared at him intently, as though trying to understand something.

He worked to dispel his doubts about his friend as though to pass another test, like his ordeal in the park.

She moved her lips as if to smile. "그녀는 웃기라도 하려는 듯 입술을 움직였다."

= as she would do if she were about to smile.

He opened his lips as if to say something.

"그는 무언가 말하려는 듯 입술을 열었다."

= ~ as he would do if he intended to say something.

She smiled as if to welcome him. "그녀는 그를 반기기라도 하는 듯 웃었다."

He shook his head at me as if to say that the store was closed.

"그는 가게가 닫혀 있다는 듯이 말하려는 듯 머리를 흔들었다."

He lifted the beer glass as if to strike against the table.

"그는 테이블을 치기라도 하려는 듯 맥주잔을 들었다."

He made (ie a movement) as if to leave the room but, thinking better of it, returned to comfort the weeping girl. "그는 마치 방을 떠나려는 듯 움직였지만 다시 생각해 보고 우는 소녀를 달래 주러 돌아갔다."

he just shrugged his shoulder (D)[as though to disclaim]

C : [in an answer to] → [in answer to] : 'answer'는 가산 명사지만 'in' 다음에 자격이 개입될 때 무관사로 사용한다.

[as if / though 형용사 or 전치사구]

She left the room as if angry. "그녀는 마치 분노한 듯이 방을 떠났다."

= She left the room as if (she were) angry.

They were shouting as though in panic.

"그들은 당황한 듯이 소리를 지르고 있었다."

이처럼 'as if'나 'as though' 뒤에는 형용사나 전치사 구가 따르기도 한다.

[as if!]

에이 그럴 리가! 퍽이나! 턱도 없다.

: as I would (do that) or as if (that would happen)

A : "I heard that you're going out with Alex!" "알렉스와 데이트 간다고 들었어."

B : "As if!" (= As if I would go out with him, as if that would happen.)

"에이 그럴 리가!", "턱도 없는 얘기 마라."

My boss expects everyone to work late in order to finish the project.

"제 보스는 프로젝트를 끝내기 위해서 모두가 늦게까지 일하기를 기대하고 있어."

As if! "설마 그럴 리가!"

Mary is obsessed with him. She thinks he's going to marry her. As if!

"메리는 그에게 미쳐 있어. 그가 자신과 결혼할 작정이라고 생각해. 퍽도 그렇겠다."

[As if I care!]

무슨 신경은?; 내가 신경이라도 쓸 듯이 = I don't care.

My parents are worried about the amount of time I spend playing computer games. As if I care (what they think)! "제 부모님들은 제가 컴퓨터 게임에 소비하는 많은 시간에 대해 걱정하신다. 제가 그러면 신경이라도 쓸 듯이."

As (E)[if] anybody cared. = Nobody doesn't care.


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